News Report for the Opening Celebration of the Second Jill Dando News Centre

Students from two Worle schools met one of the world’s most successful authors during the opening of their Good News Centre.

Jeffrey Archer launched the Jill Dando News Centre at Priory Community School in Weston, just months after Jill’s old school Worle Community School launched its own.

The centre will now see dozens of students find, write and publish the talents, successes and acts of courage and kindness of thousands of current and former students across the world.

The news centres are inspired by Jill who lived in Weston and became one of Britain’s best and most popular journalists before she died in 1999.

PCSA student Jack Branton, aged 13 currently Editor of the Jill Dando News Centre, interviewed Jeffrey.

Jeffrey said: “Jill was a very very fine lady with a wonderful career ahead of her, and it touches me that she hasn’t been forgotten and that so many people are here today to remember this great lady, because she deserves remembering. She was very special indeed.”

Pabalum Catering, Big Worle, Gould Signs, and PACE were some of the local organisations that helped out with the Centre.

Maven ConsultancyWCSA, JillDando