The Curriculum at our School

Mr. Markoutsas – our new Vice-Principal writes about the curriculum here at WCSA

I would like to start my curriculum update by saying a big thank you to all of our students for their very hard work over the last two and a half learning cycles. These ‘cycles’ are the nine week teaching blocks or modules we use here at WCSA to structure the curriculum. Our students have been great with their day to day learning, homework and assessment. 

I hope parents and carers are now getting the idea of ‘cycles’ and can see the changes bearing fruit. Recent student voice comments were very positive about this modular curriculum. Thank you for your trust and support. We have the full backing of The Priory Learning Trust in the matter. We are committed to further improving our students’ everyday experience and we would welcome any additional feedback. Let’s not forget we have come a long way in a short time – we are predicting some great Year 11 outcomes this year at WCSA.

A key priority for the next two weeks, besides the relentless preparation of our Year 11 students, will be the two options evenings for our Year 8 and 9 students.

Options model 2018-2021
Above (click on the image to enlarge it), you can see the options model for the next three years. Our Year 8 students will commit to three options and three years of Key Stage 4 studies. This will allow excellent preparation for their end of Year 11 exams in 2021.  Furthermore, we have designed a model, unlike students in the past, which allows students to take a variety of options. 

For instance, students can opt to do two creative subjects if they wish or take the English Baccalaureate route. Equally important, we believe that our curriculum offers depth and breadth to our students with GCSE, BTEC, OCR Nationals and V-CERT qualifications, thus combining the academic with the vocational studies.  It’s safe to say that there is an appropriate subject combination for everyone. All exams will be taken at the end of Year 11.

Curriculum Routes
Depending on ability and flightpaths, our students will have to make options that will allow them to take the EBacc or the non-EBacc route. Students who want to go on to study in top universities, Russell Group, or study academic subjects such as law or medicine will need to consider the English Baccalaureate route very seriously.

Year 9 Options
The options for our Year 9 students are very similar.  Having already chosen 3 options in Year 8, our students in Year 9 will now have the opportunity to take a final one.  We want to honour the commitment we made last year to parents and students.  Again, the only change is the fact that all exams will now happen at the end of Year 11.  This will allow our students the best outcomes possible.


WCSA Curriculum Model – 2018-2021
Breadth and depth of curriculum and choice of options is at the forefront of every curriculum decision that we have made so far. However, the “GO PLT” outcomes ethos is very well represented in this model.  As part of TPLT MAT we are absolutely in line with student outcomes being our prime concern. We want our students to have the best life chances possible and this will come from strong outcomes.


  • Year 8 Options Evening, Thursday, March 1, 4:30-6:30.  Presentations in the Auditorium at 4:45 and 5:30.
  • Year 9 Options Evening, Thursday, March 8, 4:30-6:30.  Presentations in the Auditorium at 4:45 and 5:30.

During both evenings, curriculum leaders, subject teachers and the school’s Leadership Team will be available to answer all of your questions and guide you to the right options for your son/daughter.

Meanwhile, please do contact me with any queries you may have about our curriculum model and design – thank you for your support of our school.

Best Regards,
Mr. Markoutsas