Parent Update - REWARD TRIPS 2019

WCSA Reward Trips by Mrs. Venn, Assistant Principal.

Following our inaugural Reward Trip to Thorpe Park last year, this week we have been lucky enough to run our Reward Trip for our students in Years 7-10. These have been the result of a year of hard work and dedication from our students.

The criteria were stringent and demanding and were designed to encapsulate all aspects of an outstanding learner:

96% attendance (with no unauthorised days – provide evidence for all medical appointments)
Fewer than 4 lates to school (which are beyond your control)
Fewer than 10 conduct incidents
No serious behavior incidents (FTE or room 1)
An average effort score of good or more on PS3

A whopping 345 students across Years 7-10 met these criteria and were thus invited to either go to Airhop, paintballing or receive an Amazon voucher. We wanted to provide a reward that would suit a variety of interests and appeal to as many students as possible.

All the students really enjoyed their rewards and are aiming high to see what they can achieve next year!