Principal’s Update - Welcome Back to Term 4

I would like to welcome you back to Term 4 at WCSA. Here at WCSA, we have enjoyed some time off, but have also been incredibly impressed with our Year 11s coming in to get ahead with GCSE revision (pictures below). I was chatting to one surprised parent who wondered why students have to come in over the holiday.

I explained that they don’t; we simply want to offer these sessions so that students can make the most of the last ten weeks before the examination period. So, as long as students ask for this (more about this later in the update) we will be happy to oblige – we will always be happy to go the ‘extra mile’ here at WCSA.

As always, over half term, there are a few people who don’t get a break; the site staff worked tirelessly (in spite of the weather) to improve the site for students. When I tour the site with parents / carers I get many comments about the quality of our environment. Although WCSA will always be a traditional build, I personally think that it could not look any better now. We pride ourselves on the lack of litter and the new reception looks absolutely lovely. I am sure you caught up with the opening, a couple of weeks ago, in the Weston Mercury. We are particularly keen on classrooms being inviting and inspiring. Lots of window art, student artwork, signs and quotes can now be seen all around. Pictured below are some of the new additions added during the break.

In the update before half term, I wrote about the importance of coming to school every day. We have a dedicated attendance team who will support students to be in classrooms learning. I also mentioned an initiative for Year 10 that we are trialling. To recap the deal:

  • • In the first seven teaching weeks there are 35 days – we are asking students to attend for AT LEAST 33.
  • • Week 8 is assessment week – we NEED 100% attendance – all five days.
  • • Week 9 – super teaching week – all students in Year 10 who fulfil the above criteria will go on an afternoon reward trip – we are looking at Air Hop – for the subsidised price of £5 (this will include socks, travel and a bounce).
  • • If…. For any reason, a student is missing JUST ONE DAY, they will not lose out – there will be the opportunity to catch up this time to qualify for the trip.

Finally, I want to mention the ‘WCSA Evening Study School’. This initiative is aimed at our Year 11 students who would like a study space here in school in the lead up to the exams. We will open up the Library (LRC). This will be fully staffed on a Wednesday and Thursday from 4.30 – 6.30 pm from early March all the way through to the GCSE examinations. PCs will be available for students wanting to use Hegarty Maths and Tassomi (science). Although there will not be taught sessions – this is the purpose of P6i – if you feel that your child needs additional support or help, please contact myself or Mrs. Mac (Head of Year 11) and we will gladly find a tutor.

In the coming weeks, I have asked members of the Leadership Team here at WCSA to produce the weekly parent / carer update. This is to give a varied perspective on school life. I do hope you will enjoy treading them.

As always, thank you for your continued support in the community.

Miss Scott (Principal)