Principal’s Update – Looking Forward

This week, I want to write about looking forward. We have a lot to look forward to here at WCSA. The GCSE examinations have started with art and photography last week, as well as the languages speaking exams the week before. Next week is French and Spanish listening and reading. I am well aware of this, as I am sitting the French GCSE myself!

Everyone talks about how difficult the new spec GCSE is, so I wanted to try it out for myself. All I can say is a huge well done to all students who completed their speaking exam. I look forward to the results in August. If last year is anything to go by, we will have something to celebrate.

Celebrating examination success August 2017

We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 6s. Primary students now know where they will be going in September. We have a recent years’ record  of 294 students already coming. This number tends to increase as families move into the area. I know this as I am touring so many prospective parents. So, if you do know anyone still undecided, please do encourage prompt action as I anticipate that we will shortly be full. I am personally looking forward to our Transition Day 2018 (for Year 6s) on Tuesday 3rd July – hopefully no union action this year! We again apologise for last year’s disruption. I am also looking forward to our Open Morning (for Year 5s) on Saturday 14 July – 10am start. Thank you to all staff who have agreed to be here on that morning and ‘go the extra mile’ to encourage families to come to WCSA.

We are busy planning ahead, as we always do at this time of year, for September 2018. This year saw our first round of learning cycles and associated homework books. I think, overall, you (the parents) and your children have liked this approach to teaching and learning. Many of you have fed back to us. We know that you want us to ensure that all teachers are regularly checking homework completion. This is something that we are again looking to really stress to staff for September. Please do get in touch, however, if you have a view, opinion or idea. Most of the good ideas do come from you, the parental body. Certainly, we overhauled our option approach as a result of your comments and suggestions.

Personally, I am looking forward to my annual May break. However, we have much to get done between now and then. It is the final countdown for English and Maths GCSEs for the Year 11s. I would argue/suggest that these two examinations are the most important for any student. The government insist that all school leavers achieve a Grade 4 in both. In brief, this means that all students falling below this will need to retake in college until they get there. We have put on a final flurry of revisions sessions so that all students, if they so wish, CAN achieve the Grade 4 in both. I look forward to seeing as many students as possible at these events over the coming weeks.


For the next five Saturdays and over half term, we are offering bespoke revision.
Details are available direct to Year 11 students.
Make the most and don’t miss out.

Finally, pictured below are ‘Students of the Week’ for April. I look forward to this time all week. Mrs. Humphris (my marvellous PA) carefully calculates who has got the most achievement points during the course of the week. I see these students personally and award badges. I also write home and students get a small chocolate reward. Rewards really matter at WCSA.

As always, thank you for your continued support in the community.

Miss Scott (Principal – WCSA)