Parental/Carer Update - Monday 4 June 2018

Welcome back to Term 6; I hope that the weather has not spoiled your family time. I enjoyed a visit to see my new born nephew in London (see below). I had forgotten quite how exhausting small babies are – wow! Give me Year 9s anytime!  However, we also welcomed lots of our Year 11 into WCSA for additional revision sessions. These were well attended for history, geography and maths. Some subjects finished before half term, so our Year 11s are on their final push this week and next.

Personally, I think students have been very well prepared again this year – in fact, better than ever. I would never wish to jinx August 23rd (SUCCESS DAY) – but lots of Year 11s have finished examinations with smiles on their faces as they found the papers straight forward. We are confident of some great results this coming year. Thank you for all the parental support of the systems at WCSA.

CE days are on Monday 9 and Tuesday 10 July and students will not be required to wear uniform. This type of enrichment activity is very important to us all at WCSA.

We are also in the middle of writing to you about some other key celebration events. I have been delighted with the hard work and commitment of so many WCSA students. I see five students weekly on a Friday. They are selected on how many positive achievement points they have amassed during the week. If your child has been ‘Student of the Week’, you will have received a letter from me telling you about this accomplishment. They also get a red Student of the Week badge to wear on blazers. We currently have three students with purple badges – this means that they have been Student of the Week for a second time. Pictured below is one of our Friday sets of students. Please let us be a badge-rich school – we want badges in all areas of school to reflect all types of abilities and talents.


So, the two events you can look out for letters in the post for are the “Celebration Evening” in July and the “Rewards Trip” to Thorpe Park towards the end of term. The Celebration Evening is for Years 9 and 10 (we celebrated Years 7 and 8 back in the Autumn Term). All Year 7 – 10 students are eligible for the rewards trip. Don’t forget – we also have our evening The Grand Pier in October to say well done and a final, final goodbye to our current Year 11 top performers – both effort and achievement.

Lastly, an update is never an update without pictures of what the students get up to in classrooms on a daily basis. A couple of weeks ago, we had our DT moderator in to check the Y11 Controlled Assessments had been marked properly. I was lucky enough to see all of the work on display over in the DT area. Now … I do walk the school daily and see what goes on; however, nothing could have prepared me for the standard of work produced. Looking at the pictures below, I am sure that you will agree with me. All work was at a grade at 9 – 4 minimum. Well done Year 11 DT students and our super DT staff.

Thank you, as always, for your continued and on-going support.

Miss Scott – Principal
