Options - Your Future Stepping Stones (Year 8)

Knowing what GCSEs to choose can be tough, as a wide range of subjects are offered at WCSA. Your GCSEs are your first stepping stone towards A levels, a college course, an apprenticeship or any other post-16 education; remember you have to stay in education or training until you are 18. It is important that you plan your pathway to your chosen career. Have a route in mind and start to think about the courses that will help you achieve your career goals.

There’s no right way to choosing your GCSEs but it does help if you think about your future when making your decisions and do your research by looking at the courses you could chose at post-16.

What is a GSCE?

It is a General Certificate of Secondary Education and you will study your chosen subjects for 3 years, with final exams taking place at the end of year 11. I am already looking forward to sharing and celebrating your results day in August 2021. I know it sounds like a lifetime away but believe me it will soon be here!

When I think back to my GCSE options I was lucky because I already had my chosen career in mind and I just had to map out how I was going to achieve my goal of becoming a Physical Education Teacher. Following my GCSEs, I chose to do a college course in Sport Science which led to a University degree in Sport and Leisure and ultimately a Post Graduate Certificate of Education.

My career pathway sounds straight forward, but believe me it was far from it. There were lots of hurdles to get over and some tough decisions along the way, but hard work and dedication got me to where I am today on my career pathway.

For Year 8 students, your journey starts now. With lots of hard work and commitment to achieve your GCSE target grade, you too can achieve your own career goals.

Mr Whittaker
Head of Year 8 WCSA

Pictured is Year 8 student Olivia Finch considering her Year 8 options.