Posts tagged Parent Update
Parent/Carer Update

Hi my name is Louise and I have a child in year 7 and I am also a member of the Academy Council.

I wanted to write to reflect on my first year with being involved with WCSA, as we near the summer holidays, and gosh this year has gone so quickly.

I remember (as you all probably do) when my daughter joined WCSA last September, as she moved from a school where she had been for 8 years and knew everything and everybody to a huge secondary school where she was the youngest and knew nothing. Children are very adaptable though and she soon settled in.

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Parent Update from Marie Lewis

Each lesson, staff are encouraged to give students as many achievement points as possible. Points are issued for reasons such as being on task, excellent engagement and excellent effort. Students’ names are written on the Learning Stars board, to highlight and recognise their success in gaining these points. They are often keen to get their names on the board and achieve as many points as they can. The number of achievement points each student has achieved is shared with them each week during tutor time, so that they then record the data in their planner.

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Parental/Carer Update - Monday 4 June 2018

Welcome back to Term 6; I hope that the weather has not spoiled your family time. I enjoyed a visit to see my new born nephew in London (see below). I had forgotten quite how exhausting small babies are – wow! Give me Year 9s anytime!  However, we also welcomed lots of our Year 11 into WCSA for additional revision sessions. These were well attended for history, geography and maths. Some subjects finished before half term, so our Year 11s are on their final push this week and next.

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Parent Update - SEND

The SEND provision is progressing well and the Sir Richard Branson Centre is always engaging students in learning and overcoming their barriers. We continue to offer a range of interventions such as Fresh Start which is a phonics reading programme for Year 7 and Year 8; a booster reading intervention for Year 8 and Year 9; a handwriting intervention for Year 7 – 11; maths booster intervention and a touch-typing intervention for Year 7 – 11 to make our students more independent and ready for Post-16 education.

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Parent / Carer update – April 23rd 2018

This week’s update from Worle is about attendance at WCSA. ‘Improving Attendance’ is one of our key priorities at our Academy and, as with everything, we like to celebrate those who get it right. I am sure that some parents reading this will have recently received a 100% attendance post card which is sent home termly. We have just sent out an amazing 649 postcards for Term 4. What an achievement! 

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