Term 6 Update

Term 6

Our provision for key workers remains the same. PCSA is open daily from 9.00 until 3.00. Please note that the kitchen will be closed from Monday 1 June, so students will need to bring food/a packed lunch in with them. At some point, it is likely that the key worker provision will return to WCSA. We will let you know the proposed date as soon as we have more information. 

Distance Learning - please refer to our previous letter on the website/FB. Years 7 - 10 need to start work again tomorrow please!

Year 10 will receive some "face to face" time with their teachers from Monday 15 June here at WCSA. The government has produced guidance which we are currently reviewing. Number one priority is the safety of all our students and staff. As soon as we know what our plans are, we will update you. Please note, we do NOT expect any Year 10 students in school before this date. 

Jacqui Scott - Principal