Principal's Update for Parents - 29th May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that you have managed to enjoy a somewhat unusual half term with your families. As we start Term 6 on Monday 1 June, so the “Distance Learning Program” restarts. Here at WCSA, we are overhauling learning from home to make it easier for you, the parent, as well as students, of course! Over the last two months – since school closure – I have received hundreds of emails from parents. There are not many of you who are finding this easy. Problems range from being able to log on, to understanding the work, to motivating your children. Our overhaul is designed to make life easier for both students and parents. Term 6 sees us:

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RENEW: ensure that you know where to find the work so you can access the lessons at the start of each day. Work is located on the area of the school website. We will remind you weekly on Facebook. We are adding video lessons so that students can see their teachers delivering short chunks of material. Form tutors will be adding a Google Classroom for their tutees. We will be having an assembly for all year groups – led by the Head of Year. Please start Term 6 by emailing your teachers to tell them how you are getting on. They are expecting you to do this and will email you back. 

RESET: look at what has worked for you and what you may want to do differently in Term 6. We have asked all teachers to let us know who is and isn’t working. If you are not accessing Google Classrooms, we will telephone you to help you get started. You can request a call from your Head of Year if you would like to. Please email them.

RESTART: don’t waste any time. Monday 1 June and it’s time to start again. We may be working like this for a while, so START as you mean to go on. Students who work hard receive certificates; top performers receive Amazon vouchers.

Good luck!

Miss Scott