Principal's Update for Parents - 15th May 2020

Principal Update for Parents

Friday 15 May 2020

At WCSA, as part of TPLT (The Priory Learning Trust) we are very keen to give out a simple message about Term 6, which was due to start on Monday, June 1st. You will have seen, along with the rest of the nation, no doubt, the Prime Minister last Sunday. He was very clear in his ambition for Year 10 students (only) to have some ‘face to face’ time with their teachers before the normal summer break. These are the timescales and the only information we are working to at present. We have no more that this I am afraid. 

So, here at WCSA we have been discussing how to ensure that this key year group can, indeed, benefit from coming back into school safely. Clearly, first and foremost, we are committed to the safety of your children and our staff, when we open our doors again.  We will keep you updated and give you as much prior notice as possible, once plans are agreed by our Trust Board.

Further information about Year 10’s return is likely to be published by the Trust towards the end of next week. We are mindful that the position may change once again.

For information, the same plans will be in place at PCSA as here at WCSA. 

Thank you for your superb support at this challenging time. Please stay safe and well. 



Please do continue to access our “Remote Learning” package. Again today, we are sending out more certificates to those students who are doing a great job in these challenging times. I suspect a parent or two may be deserving of a certificate. I certainly want to say “thank you” to all the parents and carers working in partnership with us here at WCSA! I would also like to thank teaching staff who, I know, are passionate about helping families to access work whilst at home. It seems timely that it is “Thank a Teacher Day” on Wednesday 20 May (next week). Please do email me so I can personally write and thank teachers who are going over and above at this time.