An update from the Principal 1st May 2020

I would like to update you on events here at WCSA, as lockdown continues. There is much talk, in the news, about when schools will start back and what this will look like. We are currently considering plans on how this can happen when we are notified. Quite simply, we will be led by the politicians and the scientists and follow national direction. As soon as I know anything, I will communicate with you.

I am aware of the challenges of working at home with your children. (I am about to “help” with some maths work in the middle of typing this!) There is no magic formula. Just encourage your children to achieve something each day and to take regular breaks. Do not drive yourself insane if there is a lack of cooperation – simply be kind to yourselves and your families. Teachers are on email and Miss Neal is coordinating the “School Closure” work and is prompt to answer questions and sort out any issues arising. We sent out over 100 certificates last week and will do the same tomorrow. I am aware that the post has slowed down, so please be patient and keep checking! We are doing our best to reward all students completing a good chunk of work!

If your children would like to flex their creative muscles, please take a look at our “Art Competition.” We are keen to enhance our WCSA site with some more signage. What better way to do this than with students art work? Please see below.

Art competition.png

I know that some Year 11 Parents and Students are wondering about the Prom. This is a rite of passage for Year 11s leaving school. Here at WCSA, we are determined to make this happen if we possibly can. Currently, the date is Friday 3 July. I know that Mrs Pooley has arranged a reserve date for 22 September. We will keep you updated, as we do our best to give our wonderful Year 11s the send-off they deserve.

Finally, I know that some parents have mailed in regarding FSM vouchers; please do email in if you are having problems. We are using Edenred and I am aware that they have been slow to release vouchers. Please keep talking to us and we will do our best to help you out.

Jacqui Scott - Principal