Update from the Principal - student mask guidance

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am sure that by now you all aware that England will be entering another national lockdown from Thursday November 5.  However, the Prime Minister has reiterated his commitment to keep educational establishments open.

In response to this action, The Priory Learning Trust and its secondary academies, PCSA, TKASA and WCSA, have decided to update our risk assessment in terms of the use of face masks when in school.

Therefore, from Thursday November 5, we will require all students to come to school with a face mask.  In order to give everyone enough time to prepare and adopt to this decision, the use of face masks in our schools will be compulsory from Monday November 9.  However, we encourage our students to come to school equipped with a mask from Thursday November 5.

When will my child need to wear a mask?

·         Entering and exiting the school premises at the start and end of the day.

·         When moving to different classrooms within their year group bubble or inside school corridors.

·         When queuing for food in the restaurant.

Face masks are not required for the following:

·         When in lessons, including tutor time.

·         When eating, including inside the restaurant.

·         When outdoors during social times.

If you think that your child should be exempt from wearing a face mask due to medical reasons, please contact the school’s student services and let us know.

After the end of the national lockdown, we will update our risk assessment appropriately.

As always, thanks for your support during these challenging times for all.

Angelos Markoutsas                                               Jacqui Scott                                            Nathan Jenkins

PCSA Principal                                                          WCSA Principal                                      TKASA Principal

Gail Webb

TPLT Head of School Improvement

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