Olympic hopeful quizzes her gold medal winning hero James Cracknell

Worle Community School Year 8 student Olivia Finch, aged 13, has been interviewing Olympic Gold Medal winner James Cracknell in her ambition to be in the Olympics and as a human biology scientist.

The ambitious student has been winning her own gold medals in swimming – with her latest medal a Gold in the 50m butterfly in a Bristol competition.

Her interview happened during the opening of WCSA’s new state-of-the-art reception. It is the latest exciting development at the Academy which is part of The Priory Learning Trust.

Olivia, who reported on the launch for the Jill Dando News Team, plans to be a scientist after realising the effect of muscles, fitness and exercise on the human body during her swimming competitions.

She has won top girl in a swimming gala 13 year olds, and swims for Weston in the County Competitions, as well as Hockey for WCSA.

James told her this week a range of tips to encourage Olivia to a lifetime of success.

Principal Jacqui Scott said: “Olivia is an excellent student with big ambitions and was able to glean some top tips from an Olympic champion. This new reception looks excellent.”

Executive Principal of The Priory Learning Trust Neville Coles said: “James Cracknell went down extremely well and was brilliant with the students. We are delighted to see such a fabulous reception now officially open for use.

“The fantastic work done by Mark Antoine as the new Academy Business Manager at Worle is first rate – the site is now looking great. We aim next year to provide even better toilets and in the medium term to seek funding to further improve Worle sporting facilities.”