Parents' Update - Kirtsy Fitzgerald


Miss Fitzgerald would like to welcome Miss Oakley, Miss Durkin and Miss Smith to the SEND team who all started in September.

This week has been Dyslexia Awareness Week.  Miss Fitzgerald and Mrs Kane have been very busy raising awareness around the school by delivering assemblies and having positive discussions with staff and students.

Dyslexia is a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) which affects one in ten people.  Every dyslexic student is different as they may experience a combination of abilities and difficulties. 

Research has identified many positive traits associated with dyslexia, here are a few:

·       Determination to keep on going

·       Skilled in creative problem solving

·       Good social skills, empathetic and good with people

·       Develop great coping strategies

·       Creative

Potential difficulties students may experience:

·       Literacy Issues – reading at speed, spelling, issues with accuracy especially if under pressure

·       Organisation – time management, multi-tasking, doing things in an expected order

·       Memory – may appear forgetful

·       Sometimes a slower speed of processing for complex or high volumes of information

Here at WCSA, we are able to screen a student if concerns are raised.  From this a report is created and shared with parents/carers.

If staff have concerns then they can also refer a student to Miss Fitzgerald or Mrs Kane.  Parents will be contacted to discuss and give their permission whether they would like their child to be screened for dyslexia.

If a student screens to have moderate or severe signs of dyslexia then they will also complete a portfolio test with Mrs Kane.

Please see the link below which will take you to the video which was shared in assembly: