Year 11 Parents and Carers webinar regarding English and maths at WCSA

All parents/carers of Year 11 students are invited to join a webinar on Tuesday 6th October 2020, starting at 4pm. The link for the webinar is here:

This webinar gives you an opportunity to hear from our Head of Maths, Mr Wood, and our Head of English, Mrs Harris, about the plans for teaching their subjects during your child's GCSE year. Mr Tong, Assistant Principal, will also be able to tell you about the known changes to this year’s GCSEs. They will provide you with details of revision websites and Apps that your child will find useful and will explain how you can help your child to be successful in their exams. You may have questions or comments that you would like to make and there will be an opportunity for you to do this by adding to an online feed throughout the webinar.

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