Year 7 Flu Vaccinations

In November we will be offering the free Flu Vaccination to our Year 7 students, further details and plans will be communicated in the coming weeks.

Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications such as middle ear infections and bronchitis.

The vaccination is free and recommended for younger children, and will be given by a quick and simple spray up the nose.

We will be handing out information packs and consent forms during tutor time in the coming weeks. Please ensure you and your child read these through carefully. Consent forms are to be handed back as promptly as possible to allow for organisation of the day.

If you do not want to vaccinate your child against flu – Please still complete the consent form, giving the reason why. This will help the team to plan and improve the service. If you change your mind about consent, please contact the team on 01275 373104 as soon as possible.

More information on the Flu Immunisation please see the Public Health England website.

Skyla Hatcher