Parent Update - Monday 6th July 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you have made the most of a wild and windy weekend. I do believe that the summer weather is set to return later this week! Please find key updates for the end of term and the start of the next academic year.

Back to School – September 2020

After the government announcement at the end of last week, we are committed to opening our doors to welcome all students back in September 2020. We know that we will have to operate a “bubble” approach and maintain this during social times. Please do bear with us and we will have the details out to you by the end of term (Friday 17 July).

Transition – Year 7

Our new Year 7 students are very welcome. We are sorry that we were unable to operate an onsite transition program for our new students this year. We know how important it is for new students to have some time on site to familiarize themselves with secondary school. In order for this to happen, we have reserved the first two days of term – Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 September for Year 7 only.

Any new students (or parents) with questions about life at WCSA should email Mrs. Brace ( We are putting together a FAQ video which we will email to you before the end of term. We are also looking at a live webinar for new parents in September. Usually, we like to invite parents in to explain out routines and systems. As we are being advised against big gatherings, we are looking at a webinar to communicate key information, as well as taking questions.

Years 8 – 11

As a result of our transition program for Year 7, we will welcome all other students back into school on Thursday 3 September.

Uniform Expectations

You can find a copy of our uniform guidance on our website. Please do take a look at acceptable shoes; this is always the area that we get most questions about. If in doubt, before spending any money, check with us here at WCSA. Mr. Dixon ( is in charge of uniform matters and is always happy to advise. Please do note that, form September 2020, we will not be allowing FALSE EYELASHES or ACRYLIC NAILS. Please do not spend money, at the end of summer, on acrylic nails, as they will have to be removed before students can access classrooms. I thank you for your cooperation with this; it is simply not easy to use a pen with false nails!

Exam Results – August 2020

I have written to all parents of students in Year 11. Please look out for this letter which will arrive before the end of term. There are details about how results day will work this year. If in doubt, please do get in touch with us here at WCSA.

Parents’ Forum

Many thanks to the parents who gave up time to participate in Parents’ Forum last Friday. We had a really useful discussion around school closure and “Distance Learning”. Of course, we all hope that we will not face any more school closure. In the unlikely event that we do, we have looked at what has worked and what we would improve. If you are interested in joining the Parents’ Forum, please get in touch with Tracy Humphris (

Thank you for your ongoing support during this time. As always, if you have any specific questions or concerns, please do contact me direct, here at WCSA.

All the best, Jacqui