Principal's Update for Parents - 5th June 2020

Reopening for Year 10

As per previous messages, we are working to government guidelines to reopen for Year 10 from Monday 15 June 2020.  As you know we have undertaken a robust risk assessment and students will come to school for three hours a week to ensure safety and hygiene. Students will receive English, Maths and Science in small classes. Safety is of the utmost importance. We will write to all Year 10 parents at the start of rest week, once trustees have determined that our plans meet safety requirements.

Distance Learning

Thank you for helping your children to access learning from home. We are pleased with the amount of learning taking place and reward students with certificates (and prizes). Miss Neal oversees the Distance Learning Program, so please keep your feedback coming in; it’s very useful. It has also confirmed to me what a great job Miss Neal is doing. Please do remember to ask your children to SUBMIT their work. We are finding, when our form tutors are calling home, that many students are working away at home, but forgetting to upload it for us to see.


This is a fantastic revision resource which the school subscribes to for Years 10 and 11. Tuesday saw us exceed the 15,000 for the number of pods accessed. This is a “first” for us here at WCSA. If you need any more information about GCSE Pod, Mr Pickles oversees this resource; please do get in touch.

Year 11 Grades

We have finished grading Year 11. As with GCSE examinations, results go off to the exam board and come back to us for results day on Thursday 20 August 2020. We are planning to invite Year 11 students to collect their results from the school. Depending on social distancing regulations, we will let you know, nearer the time, how this event will work. In the meantime, we are putting together a “Goodbye” assembly for Year 11. We hope you will enjoy watching it.

Scrub Hub

You may have seen the Mercury this week. Here at WCSA, Mrs Burrows is leading a team of keen seamstresses who are making scrubs for the NHS workers. They have worked tirelessly and creatively to create hundreds of scrubs in all sizes. Pictured below are some of the finished articles.

Please continue to keep safe and keep in touch if you have questions during this extraordinary time.

Miss Scott - Principal

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