Parent Update - Monday 22nd June 2020

June 2020

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you have keep well since my last update amid the changes in guidance which may lead us back to a new normal in the near future. My notes below show that there have been changes in the academy as well on our journey together through Covid 19.

Welcome Back Year 10

Last week we welcomed our Year 10 students back to Worle Community School Academy. It has been lovely for me to greet them on the gate (just like old times!) and to walk around lessons seeing teachers teaching! I have been very impressed with the mature attitude of our students to the new way of doing things. For students accessing work from home, you will have noticed that we have improved our Distance Learning Program by introducing more recorded lessons. In these lessons, teachers talk students through the learning, further supporting them and helping them to make the progress required before returning to school. I have had some really positive comments about these lessons. Form tutors have also made recordings for their tutees and we have Year Assemblies too.

Distance Learning

I frequently receive emails from parents, as well as having phone conversations, about Distance Learning. Involved in the process as a parent, there are certainly peaks and troughs. Last week, I hit a trough. It is really hard to keen motivating our children day in day out. Now, as any teacher will tell you, we dread the wind and the rain! It makes teaching so much more difficult. And we certainly had our fair share of rain last week. It may be good for the garden, but it does nothing to left spirits of a teenager faced with a pile of school work. So, please do not be disheartened if you hit a trough. Keep going – I know that parents are doing a great job supporting at home. As soon as we have students back with us, we will hit the ground running.

Plans for September 2020

Planning for September 2020 continues. We, like everyone else, await news from the government regarding how this will be shaped so please rest assured that we will continue to adhere to government guidelines as we move forward into the next academic year. As soon as we have more news regarding September, I will update you on plans so that you are given as much notice as is possible as you plan and prepare for the new school year.

School Uniform

As always, please refer to the WCSA website for information on our uniform expectations (including PE kit). As you are aware, our uniform supplier is NK Sports. Please follow this link ( for more information. Please note the latest advice from NK sports:

Due to the ongoing situation the website has been reopened for information only, you can see prices and build baskets, but will be unable to checkout just yet. We are planning on opening the website in early July for all school uniform orders, please follow our Facebook page for more updates.

I realise that this is a very difficult time for all of us, parents and students included. Please rest assured, that if there is anything we can do to support you or if you have any queries at all, you can get in touch with us and we will do our best to help you. I have been incredibly heartened by the emails of support and good wishes from parents.

Yours sincerely

Jacqui Scott - Principal