Parent Update -Friday 12 June

We continue to live in extraordinary times and even more so with the daily changes in guidance from the government and DfE. I hope that my updates keep you well informed and especially this week as we have partially reopened the school site.

1. Key Worker Provision

From Wednesday this week, we moved our key worker provision back to WCSA. If you do need to send your child in, please do get in contact with me or Mr Dixon. We do need to know numbers on a daily basis. The provision runs from 9 am until 3 pm, where students have the opportunity to access their distance learning and access PE. Students need to bring a packed lunch with them please. 

2. Year 10 Return to School

We are looking forward to welcoming Year 10 back on Monday 15 June. All parents have received a letter giving a room and a time slot. This week, we have inducted all staff so that they know how to keep your children safe when they return. There is a short video on the website, explaining the routine. However, we have had a number of questions around the return; I will summarize key points for clarity:

  • We will brief all students, during their first session, about health and safety and WCSA expectations

  • We are asking students to bring equipment – in brief, they will need something to write with

  • Students can being bags with them – they should bring a water bottle. 

  • There will be no social times; please ensure that children have a good breakfast as there will be no restaurant service. 

  • Mr Griffin and I will greet students daily and ensure that they sanitize their hands on entry to the school.

  • Pastoral staff will be present throughout the morning, ensuring that social distance is maintained. 

  • Class sizes are maximum eight students to allow for a 2-meter distance between students. 

  • Students will not need to move during the morning; staff will come to classrooms to teach students, again keeping to the 2-metre distance rule. 

  • Should a student need a toilet break, we will facilitate this and remind students to wash their hands thoroughly. 

  • There is hand sanitizer available in all classrooms which students will be prompted to use. Students are welcome to bring in their own hand sanitizer if they prefer. 

3. Distance Learning

Distance Learning continues for Years 7 to 10. Please do let Miss Neal know if you have any questions. As I mentioned last week, please do ensure that work is UPLAODED so that we know it has been completed. I know that we have sent a number of certificates out to students who have done a great job at home with the work. I am keen to produce a display here in school so that we can show off students with their certificates. Please can you mail me in any photos you have of your children holding their certificates and let me know that I have permission to put these on display!

4. Scrubs

As you know, Mrs Burrows has organised a team of staff to make scrubs for the NHS. It has been quite amazing to see quite how many scrubs have been made and distributed in the local area. Pictured below are grateful staff from Innisfree Nursing Home. 


Jacqui Scott – Principal