An update from the Principal

WCSA Weekly Update – from the Principal

Welcome to our weekly update, which I will be posting on the WCSA website for the duration of the closure. The main theme this week has been getting to grips with “schooling from home”. As I am penning these words, we have had over 1000 Google Classroom Logins. This is GREAT to see. Google Classroom is really easy to access from home and teachers can regularly add work in. As well as the Learning Cycles for each subject, we have a number of online platforms – Hegarty, Doddle, GCSE pod to name a few. These are all detailed on our website. Please do take the time to have a good look at what is available. Remember, next week is LC3 Week 7. We will post details, at the end of next week, about plans for work over Easter.

Please can I remind you that, during these unusual times, it is important to keep physically active. Our PE faculty have posted suggested workouts. I know that the Joe Wicks’ workout is proving popular with a number of our students This is a daily YouTube offering. It is also important to look after the creative side of life. I have seen some wonderful pieces of Art work posted on Twitter by Miss Miller. It’s great to see the work students are completing at home. In addition, we will be posting recipe suggestions for cooking at home and have an opportunity for virtually sharing the end product.

I would like to remind you that the service for key workers runs from PCSA from 9 am until 3 pm daily, with lunch included. PCs are available for students to complete the online work set by teachers. Each day also includes an element of physical activity. We are happy to support the children of key workers, however this is an emergency provision.

We have been asked about provision for FSM students. If your child is entitled to a free school meal, by the time you read this, you should have received an email about how to access vouchers.

As always, keep up-to-date with what’s going on via our website, Twitter and Facebook. Please do keep emailing me if you need to.

Jacqui Scott - Principal

Tracy Humphris