Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How does homework work? See attached PDF.

What if I have a new starter and I still have questions?

There will be a Year 7 Parents’ Information Evening on Thursday 12th September starting at 5pm in our Auditorium. All parents of Year 7 students are welcome. At this evening you will receive information and be given a Parents’ A-Z for future reference. Please check the calendar on the website for the dates for other year groups.

Why are there no written reports this year?

We report to you 3 times per year. You can book times to speak to the teachers at the parents’ evening for your child’s year group. You will receive a letter prior to the parents’ evening giving you more details on ways that you can book the appointments.

You can also phone the school to request to speak to a teacher. The teacher will call you back at a convenient time, which is normally within 24 hours.

How do I find out day to day information?

You can download the Classcharts App to view your child’s day and to view your child’s performance.

Are jumpers essential?

Jumpers are an optional extra for when it gets cold in winter.

Can I speak to someone now because I still have a question?

Of course. Please contact the school on 510777 to request a call back from Mrs Brace or Miss Scott if you have any further queries. Miss Scott normally replies within 24 hours (school time – not holidays). You can also email the school on

Tracy Humphris