Parent Update - Year 7 Update

Our new Year 7s have settled in well at WCSA. Today Miss Scott celebrated with six of the Year 7s who had been chosen as her Students of the Week. See the picture below for Patryk, Leon, George, Charlotte, Freya and Isla.

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Year 7 Parent Information Evening – Thursday 12th September 2019

On Thursday 12th September we held our first Year 7 Parent Information Evening. It was wonderful to meet so many parents and share key information with them.

The presentation is available for you to see if you click here .

All parents went away with a Parents’ A-Z of key information. For a copy of this information please click here.

Please do contact Mrs Brace if you require any other information.

Our Year 8 Parent Information Evening will be held on Thursday 26th September 2019 at 5pm in our Auditorium. Further parent information evenings are planned for Years 9 – 11 in Terms 1 and 3.

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