"Pi Day" - Immense memory challenge

Incredible Worle Community School student recites 515 Pi figures in immense memory challenge

A WCSA student is rapidly becoming one of the world’s best maths performers after a stunning machine-gun-speed of a maths Pi challenge. Brilliant Year 11 student, Tom Garlick, has managed a record 515 digits of the infinite Pi number and wants to hit 1000 by the end of next year.

The Competition Pi challenged Worle students to remember as many digits as they can - with 5 trillion the current estimated number. Tom first took up the challenge after being told by a fellow student that he “wasn’t smart enough to do it”. Tom can also do a Rubic's cube in three minutes. Now he sets his sights on Oxford or Cambridge University and to be a world-class physicist. His feat is even more remarkable considering doctors say he has an Arachnoid Cyst on the right hand side of the brain. It means he has to inject himself once a day with a growth hormone.

Tom said: "It started by just wanted to prove a point to my friend in Year 8, and it has developed since there. I would like to get more than 1000 by the end of next year and have aspirations to be a world-class physicist.”

Head of School Jacqui Scott said: "This is a sensational achievement and Tom has a great future ahead of him.”

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Tracy Humphris