Cycle Helmets - AN UPDATE

Dear Parents/Carers

 Re: Cycle helmets – an update

I am writing following my letter of last week advising that we would be insisting that students wear helmets from January 6th 2020.

Whilst I strongly maintain and feel absolutely committed that all students should wear a helmet for their safety, it has become clear that there is a strong sense of feeling from our parent community that we do not have the right to insist on this for your children. As a result, I can confirm that we will not be insisting on students wearing helmets.

As a school, we are always keen to promote safer cycling. During the first week of the October half term, we ran a “Bikeability” (safer cycling) course and there are plans to run another course later this year, possibly during the Easter holidays. If you would like to be kept informed about this course please email

Additionally, you might be interested to know that we are offering free security bike marking for our students’ bikes. This will be on 30th January 2020. More information about this will be placed on the website in the New Year.

Yours sincerely

Miss Scott


Tracy Humphris