Parent Update - Sept 25th

On Thursday 20thSeptember, WCSA opened its doors for our Year 6 Open Evening and despite a depressing weather forecast, the storms held off and a great night was had by all!

The evening started well with informative talks from the Executive Principal of The Priory Learning Trust, Mr Neville Coles, our Principal, Jacqui Scott and our Year 11 Student Leaders. After the talks, families were encouraged to take a tour with our student tour guides. The tour guides, some of which were only in Year 7, enthusiastically showed the families around each department and were invited to join in the activities that were on offer.


There were explosions in science, games in maths and a “Poet-Tree” was created in English. Students took part in team games and fun sports activities in PE and there was a chance to ice a cake in DT and make a key ring in Art. Students entertained us with live music in and around the school, with buskers playing under the canopy, classical instruments being played in the Music Department; we even had Elvis in the building!


Finally, the families made their way to our fantastic Restaurant where staff served them samples of our school menu, alongside cakes and dessert pots. The success of WCSA was clearly evident last night from our students who were keen to show off their school, which they are incredibly proud of and they were also keen to demonstrate the skills and talents they have learnt whilst here.


Feedback from the evening has been very positive, and includes:

“An excellent open evening. Staff were very helpful and the students did the school proud!”

“I have been blown away by the passion of the staff and the enthusiasm of the students, there has been some wonderful talent on display”

“Pupils who did tours were polite and friendly; Mr Pickles was amazing!”

“The food produced in the canteen was excellent. I know my son will be an enthusiastic customer!”