Curriculum Survey

Dear Parents/Carers,

We would be very grateful if you could spend five minutes completing the survey below and help us shape our curriculum direction for the future.

Currently there is a national debate about the Key Stage 3 (lower school) and Key Stage 4 (GCSE) curriculum stages.  Ofsted are asking schools to maintain a three year Key Stage 3 (KS3) and a two year Key Stage 4 (KS4) as this offers a broader curriculum for longer.  Their argument is that students must complete three years of the KS3 curriculum before they can specialise at KS4. In the KS3 curriculum in addition to the core subjects (maths, English, science, religious studies, physical education), students study languages, humanities, art, music, drama, DT and computer science. At KS4 students have the opportunity to select a few of these options to continue with at GCSE, and can drop the rest. WCSA currently offers a two year KS3 and a three year KS4. This allows students to specialise sooner and have longer to study their GCSE courses. 

It is also worth noting that our students, regardless of three or two years KS4 will finish with the same number of GCSEs.

We want to know what you think.