Parent Update 17th December

Learning Cycle 2 – Week 4

WCSA in the community

As we near the end of term, there is a lot going on in the community. Our Music Department have been busy with concerts here at school and in the local community. It was great to see so many of you at Milton Baptist last Wednesday. As usual, our students were brilliant and show cased their wonderful talent. 

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A few of our students are members of the Worle Community Choir. Pictured below are some of the WCSA students who performed in a Christmas Concert on Saturday 1 December with teachers Mrs. Burlinson, Mrs. Mac and Mr. Gutsell. 

Now, if you would like to attend one of our festive music events, please come and join us here at WCSA for our Christmas Concert on Wednesday 19 December which starts at 7 pm. Students from all year groups, as well as staff, will be performing an eclectic mix of Christmas songs.  Please try to support if you can to end the term in style.

As you will be aware, Term 2 is our Charity Term. I know that many of you – parents and carers – have been helping out with making creative crafts and cakes at home; students have been selling these here at WCSA for our TPLT charity Weston Hospice Care. On a wet and windy Friday night, Mrs. McGill, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Pratlett braved the elements on Worle High Street to sell some of these crafts. Well done ladies. This is really going the extra mile – thank you.

It’s not all about Christmas! In August, students all over the country will be opening envelopes with GCSE resutls which will determine their options post 16. Here at WCSA, we are keen to prepare students as thoroughly as possible. We know how important those Grade 4s are – particularly in English and maths. The Maths Faculty have been running Hegarty Maths sessions for parents – pictured below are some of you – the parents – who enjoyed attending one of these sessions with Mrs. John a couple of Saturdays ago. More sessions will be running. 

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As we approach the end of term, I would like to make you aware of the final arrangements. Christmas Lunch is on Wednesday 19 December. Students will be issued with tickets which have been pre-purchased. Students bringing a packed lunch will be able to sit in the restaurant and still feel part of the festivities. Students finish on Friday 21 December at 12.25pm. This will be our Christmas Jumper Day. We are asking for donations of £1 which will go, as always to Weston Hospice Care. We return to school on Monday 7 January – 8.35 am.

In the post, over the Christmas break, you will receive a copy of our Christmas Magazine / Newsletter. Please do take the time to have a read, as this showcases some of the best bits of the Autumn Term. Alongside these, you will find copies of the latest Praising Stars reports. If you have any questions about these, please do e-mail me. Even if we have broken up for the holiday, I will be able to reply to you and answer most questions.

I wish all of our community a peaceful and relaxing Christmas and New Year.

As always – thank you for your support. We are delighted that next year we are 17% up on our first choices for our Year 7 places. Superb.


Miss Scott




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