Gifted and Talented
Worle community School Physical Education Gifted and Talented Policy
Gifted and talented students in physical education will be assessed under the following criteria.
Pupils will know they are gifted and talented by
· The class teacher will tell the pupil that they are considered to be gifted and talented.
· The pupil and their parents/guardian will receive notification when they receive their reports.
· Pupils who are gifted and talented will have their names added to the outstanding performance board in the PE department.
To be gifted and talented pupils will need to display the following qualities
· Pupils should be talented in a range of sports.
· Pupils may be exceptional at one sport but must also be able to be proficient in a range of other sports in line with the rest of their peers.
· Pupils who are talented in PE should represent the school in at least one sport.
· Pupils who are talented in PE should be committed to extra curricula activities.
· Pupils who are talented in PE should be placed in the top 10 of their class in 8 out of 10 of all class based activities.
· Talented pupils in physical education should be working at a high level in terms of performance and achievement at KS3 & KS4.
· Talented pupils should display a positive attitude at all times.
· Pupils should display good behaviour and have a positive attitude to learning.
· Talented pupils in PE should aim to develop their leadership skills and coaching skills by working with others in lessons.
· Talented pupils in PE should aim to answer questions in lessons to display their level of understanding.
· Talented pupils should work at higher levels within lessons and achieve exceptional progress targets.
Gifted and talented pupils have the following opportunities in PE
· Multiple extra curricula activities are available in a wide variety of sports.
· Pupils have the opportunity to represent the school in a range of sports.
· Pupils who are identified with a specific talent may be invited to join a sporting academy in the following sports, netball, hockey and football.
· Pupils will be rewarded by sporting colours in a range of sports, if they represent the school and show commitment to all training.
· Pupils can opt to take part in the junior sports leader award to develop leadership skills. The junior sports leaders run multiple festivals for local junior school pupils.
· Pupils can opt to take GCSE PE at KS4.
· Pupils can be nomination by their teacher for county or district honours.
· Talented pupils may be asked to coach younger pupils at extra curricula clubs.
· Gifted and talented pupils can apply for the role of sports captain and develop their leadership and organisational skills.
· Gifted and talented pupils may officiate during inter house competitions or friendly fixtures with other schools.
· The Brogden and Saunders cup is presented to the top sportsman and woman at the end of Y10.
· Pupils may receive recognition through the local media. These achievements are also highlighted on a PE department notice board.
· Every week the digital signage is updated to display the stars of the week for each member of staff, this is awarded for work in lessons and at extra curricula clubs.
· Talented pupils can also aim to achieve the subject award for effort and achievement which are awarded at the end of each academic year.
· The school sports tour and ski trip are run for all pupils, however talented pupils are encouraged to attend.
· Gifted and talented pupils will get the opportunity to visit Bath University to encourage them to study PE/Sport at a higher level and to see the amazing facilities that are on offer.
· Pupils who are committed to 3 sports over 3 years will be recognised with a prestigious yellow sports tie
· Pupils are encouraged and made aware of the local sports clubs via a list of clubs/contact details sent home in the post.
The gifted and talented policy will be reviewed twice a year once at the end of the first term and once and the end of the third term. Pupils can be added or removed from the gifted and talented list at any time by their class teacher