Work Experience can mark a turning point in a young person’s life.

The benefits are many and include helping students to:

  • Gain the self confidence needed in the adult world

  • Develop their maturity and key skills

  • Improve attainment by making learning more relevant

  • Experience different types of work enabling them to confirm or reject career ideas

  • Increase their motivation so that they can achieve the GCSEs required to pursue their chosen career

  • Learn how to deal with different people and develop interpersonal skills

  • Collect material for potential use in coursework and oral exams

  • Broaden the range of continuing education, training and employment that students consider

  • Understand how an employing organisation functions

  • Learn work processes at first hand

  • Develop their knowledge in their chosen area of work

  • Appreciate the role of management

  • Discover expectations of employers/other employees

  • Assess how they will adapt to working patterns and relationships outside school

  • Gain a greater understanding of different environments and the working world in general

All Year 10 students are required to complete one week of Work Experience. It is a curriculum requirement and a focal point of Year 10 work.

Students are free to choose any employer in the North Somerset / Bristol area. However, if the employer is not currently health & safety approved by Education Business Partnership for WEX, a check must be made. This checking and vetting process takes an absolute minimum of 8 weeks. Please note that a request does not guarantee approval and the school cannot allow a student to go on a placement that is not fully vetted and health & safety checked. If for any reason the employer fails the check the student will be notified immediately and required to find an alternative.

Education Business Partnership maintains an approved list of employers who are currently health & safety checked and approved for Work Experience which you can check to see whether your child’s chosen employer requires a check or not. This approved list can also help to give students ideas as to what they would like to do. Hard copies are available from the school's Career Advisor. Copies of the list can be emailed home on request.

Contact Us

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school's Career Advisor on 01934 510777.